I don't presume to tell you whether or not you're going to like a movie or not--people have different tastes and like different things. The main purpose with the ratings given for movies here is to give you an idea of whether or not you should see it in the theater, wait for it to hit DVD, or skip it altogether. So if you want to break it down...

*****: AMAZING! Everyone should see this as soon as they possibly can!
****: GREAT! Worth every cent to go see it in the theater.
***: GOOD! May or may not be worth seeing in the theater, but definitely a solid choice for a rental.
**: DECENT. Not a horrible movie, but it's not a bad choice for a rental.
*: BAD. Do not watch this movie. Well, you could, but I wouldn't advise it.

14 June 2011

Super 8

RATING:***** (5 stars)

In the summer of 1979, a group of young boys filming an amateur movie witness a train crash that might not have been an accident after all, and might also explain some of the strange disappearances and phenomena happening in their small Ohio town.

The latest to come from the imagination of producer/director/writer J.J. Abrams is a must-see thriller for the summer of 2011. Taking strong cues from Steven Spielberg, prepare to be thrown back to a strikingly good portrayal of late-1970's middle America... and then watch the mystery unfold.

The relatively unknown cast (the only face I recognized among the major roles was Kyle Chandler) gives a surprisingly good performance, but the real beauty of the film is in the depth of the characters and the sets themselves. Super 8 is not a film that is going to have you on the edge of your seat the whole time or that will have you overcome with emotion--but you will be involved the whole time and you'll love every second of it.
