Shortly after their adventure in Las Vegas, Phil, Stu, Alan, and Doug jet to Thailand for Stu's wedding. Despite precautions, mayhem ensues when they wake up the next morning and try to piece their night back together.
If you are looking for something wildly different from the first outing with the "Wolfpack", you won't find it here. What we get is actually not that different from a number of TV shows actually--something that is very formulaic but still enjoyable. In fact, you might even be able to match up the timeline between The Hangover and The Hangover Part II and find events happening at a similar time (the blackout, the twist, eureka moment), but it really should not detract from your enjoyment of the film as a whole.
Perhaps what the film does a great job is showing off many of the locations for the film. It also does a great job of *not* re-using much material from the first film. Plan on some serious laughs with the same kind of adult humor you got the first time around, and prepare for another set of memes to creep into pop culture for the rest of the year.